Salem Ecumenical Food Pantry -- #1453F
Greetings from the Salem Ecumenical Food Pantry. We want to thank you
for awarding our pantry the Jazzy's Place dog food program. Here in rural
Salem on the border of Vermont our families have many beloved pets. The
dog food they were able to get at our pantry was invaluable to them in
feeding their dogs which are family to them. Some of our families have
more than one dog and they were so grateful to have the food that the
Jazzy's Place program provided. We hope we will be able to continue in
this program to help our furry friends and their families!

Thank You!  – Seth Pitts

St. Peter's Lutheran Church -- # 2537F
We, at St Peter Food Pantry, located in Pine Island, New York, are very grateful to the Caplan-Bensley Foundation for providing a grant to us for dog food through Jazzy's Place. We received our initial grant in April, 2015 to be used before August 31 st of this year. We received a second grant to be used before the end of the year. Believe me, we have no trouble using those monies to buy the dog food that is requested each month. We have seen the number of people requesting food DOUBLE in the last few months. That, in turn, greatly increased the requests for dog food. Just this month alone, there were 13 dogs that were brought to our attention needing food. We greatly appreciate the grants that were given to us. Without that gift, our budget would be very minimal for dog food. Thank you & God Bless your efforts! 
- Carol Long

Minerva Food Pantry -- # 1101F​ 

Thank you so much for the JAZZY'S PLACE DOG FOOD Grantl Your generous grant
has allowed the Minerva Food Pantry (1101F) to offer quality dog food on a
regular basis. In the past we couldn't offer dog food because every donated
dollar was put towards providing food for our human clients. Having access to
money earmarked specifically to our canine community is a wonderful thing!

Not only does your grant allow us to offer dog food to our clients, it takes some of
the pressure off them in making their own food budget stretch further. This
makes for happier dogs, happier clients and happier volunteers! We wish you a
Happy and Healthy 2016, and look forward to working with you in the future.

- Kathleen DeGuilme


Indian Lake NOC -- # 186F  

Jazzy's Place grant has enabled our agency to accommodate the needs of our families, as a whole while also providing for their individual nutritional needs. Three years ago when heating prices became astronomical, several families came to us; as they were facing the reality of giving up their pets just so they could feed themselves. Valuing the importance a pet can offer a family; local communities began to raise awareness and made several pet collections (food, litter, and treats) so that all families were able to keep their pets. The pet supplies had such a profound impact on the families, who weren't forced to abandon their pets, that we decided to purchase pet food as often as we could. Unfortunately, our budget doesn't always allow us to purchase pet food and when we do it's very limited. Therefore, as soon as I read about the Jazzy grant there was no hesitation in applying for it.  With grant monies going directly through the Regional Food Bank ofNENY we have the ability to purchase nutritional dog food for a mere sixteen cents per pound, provide dog food to more families, and remain focused on the well being of family members regardless of the number of legs they walk on.  Many of the families we work with, their dog is often the one constant in their life; they should never have to live in fear of abandoning this loved one. Thanks to Jazzy's grant we are able to assist families during hard times, so that they may remain intact. - Deborah Ameden 

B.R.i.D.G.E.S. –- # 2496F
The loss of a family member, dogs included, is a devastating experience. When a family begins to suffer from food insecurity, the household may be placed in a situation where it often needs to consider giving up their family pet(s). We are thankful that the Jazzy Place Dog Food Initiative, through the Caplan-Bensley Foundation provides us with the ability to help those who use our food pantry keep their families intact. The dog owners who use our food pantry are always grateful when they see the opportunity to not only bring home food for their spouses, parents, and children, but their family dog as well. We believe that by providing dog food it sends an important message; we are here to help as much as we can. 

- Rockland Independent Living Center

Rhinebeck Reformed Church - #2487F

Jazzy’s Place Matters!  Before our pantry was approved to receive funding from the Caplan-Bensely Foundation, I never bought dog and cat food, but listed it in the church’s Sunday Bulletin and monthly Parishioner as Pantry Items NEEDED. Our clients always asked if we had pet food.  Now we easily provide dog food for our families without worrying about stretching our very limited food budget.
The families who have taken dog food for their family pet have been very honest about how the food we now stock greatly helps them and how grateful they are. (They also have remarked about how helping other pet owners is a loving remembrance of sweet Jazzy.)

Within the three month time period we have stocked dog food, we estimate that we have helped 20 families based upon the food taken.  This number may be more because we have seen a great increase in the number of families within our congregation who want to remain anonymous to the pantry staff and use the pantry only when Pastor Luis accompanies them. 
- Brenda J. Brockett

Zion Episcopal Church -- #2280F
We have clients that make sure their dogs are fed before they feed themselves.

The families we help are on such tight budgets that they are grateful for the

relief that is provided by Jazzy's Place dog food. For some of our clients their

dog is the only thing that gives them comfort and understanding. Sad, but true.

Thank you so much for your kind efforts. - Jack Devine 

Tupper Lake Community Pantry -- # 441FP

We have been very appreciative to have Jazzy's food to feed our four legged
friends. We try to help all our clientele in many ways, not only with food but with
other essentials and now food for our puppies. What a wonderful Idea. Thank you
so much. - Betty Maus

St. Mark's Lutheran -- # 1258 FP
This letter is in regards to the Jazzy's Place dog food grant program, 51. Markls food Pantry In
Middleburgh, NY, was blessed to have this program In place this year and to provide dog food to many of the families who have utilized our food pantry.  As we all know, finances are even more difficult in today's economy and more families than ever are reaching out to food pantry's to help meet the nutritional needs of the families. One of the most vitaI members of any family Is their pet. Families who are forced to make a decision between feeding themselves and their pet often are left with feeling hopeless in their ability to provide the essentials needs of thelr furry friends. Manv of the families that we see at the food pantry are impacted by some form of social isolation, these animals are not only their best friend, but in many ways are also a therapeutic treatment and provide uncondltlonal love. We have witnessed so many families' express their frustration about their lack of dog food, to only be told that we can help meet that need I The smiles that appear on the families~ faces speak volumes about the positive impact this is having. Plus, we know that animals that are fed are also kept healthy, leading to less financial burdens on families with emergency veterinary costs.Please continue this program as it is vital to all members of the family, both human and canine. - Patricia McCoy 

Maplewood Residents Assocation  -- # 2118D
The Maplewood Resident Association would like to extend our sincere thanks for the
Jazzy's Place Dog Food Program. OUf residents are senior citizens or disabled and
handicapped adults living on a fixed income. Most only receive the minimum income from
Social Security. Many cannot buy food or their medications each month.

The residents who own dogs would not be able to properly care for and feed their beloved
pet if it were not for the Jazzy Place Dog Food Program. They express sincere gratitude
every time they receive the dog food and treats.

Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity. - Fran Knapp

Stillwater Food Pantry - # 1736F

1​. Thank you for the dog food, people ask me why I don't get rid of them, they are part of my family.
2. Dog food- awesome.
3. My dog is my family. 

Unity House of Troy - Street Ministry # 283FP  
During times of struggle it is comforting for the dog owners we serve to know that they can
come into our food pantry and receive not only food for themselves but for their dog as well.
Animals, especially dogs, become not just a pet but a member of the family and it can cause
great anxiety for food insecure people to also worry about feeding their dog. Thanks to the
Jazzy's Place grant we have received, we are able to feed the furry members ofthe family and give peace of mind to those people who come through our pantry each day. 

Rochester Food Pantry -- # 798FP
Thank you for donating the funds to the Rochester Food Pantry for the purchase of dog food. The
"Jazzy" dog food grant affords a large amount of our families to feed their beloved dogs.

There are several testimonial stories which support the true need for the Jazzy Dog Food grant. A
client was filled with joy upon knowing that he wouldn't have to give his dogs food scraps that week;
food which he really didn't have to give away. Another client was able to serve her two pit bulls the
correct supply of dog food. She did not have to skimp. How happy a little girl was when she was given
dog biscuits to give to her new puppy!

Thank you for caring enough about the dog pets of our clients. As we care for the people, we can rest
assured that the well-loved dogs are being fed properly. Thank you for your continued support. ​
- Margaret Langer 

Gilead Food Pantry - # 2429F

My clients with dogs have been very surprised and appreciative to get free dog food when they visit us for human food.

North Rockland Food Pantry -- # 793FP    

On behalf of the clients at the North Rockland food pantry, I would like to
thank you for the grant award to purchase dog food. As I am sure you are well
aware, Many families have to make decisions to give up family pets when household
expenses exceed income. Some would rather feed their pets before eating

With the funds received through your foundation we have been able to give
families a way to feed their beloved pets and still have food for themselves. Thank
you for this wonderful funding program, we hope it continues for many years to
come. - Paula Klein

St. John's Caring Hands Food Pantry - # 2063F
Thank you for the food you give my dogs. Sometimes it is hard to have food for them. I couldn't live without them. The food pantry helps everyone in my family. Thank you for your generosity! 

St. George's Church, Newburgh NY -- #617FP
Being a dog and animal lover I was very excited to hear about Jazzy's Place. The clients at our pantry struggle enough for their own needs and were thrilled to see bags of dog food when they arrived at the pantry. They come weekly and ask is there any dog food. One man said his dog is now putting on weight since he is eating regularly. I have a small Boston Terrier with a great appetite and I couldn't imagine her not eating. We are near the end of our awarded grant and I hope this can continue in the future. Please tell Jazzy's Place how appreciative we are for helping to feed man's best friend. Thank you, – AI Nucifore

Chestertown Food Pantry -- #1011F
I would like to start off by saying thank you to the Caplin Bensley
foundation. Jazzy's place dog food grant has helped out my clients
by giving them piece of mind. Now they don't have to worry about
food for their dogs. Like most people who own dogs our clients love
their dogs and consider them part of the family. Thanks again for

this grant and giving my clients food for their dogs when they are

struggling to feed themselves. – Amy Culver

Cornerstone Outreach Center -- # 1792F

Our short testimonial expressing our community's gratitude for the Jazzy grant follows:

When we were first approached her about the Jazzy Grant I took a survey to determine the interest
and need for this in our community. I was surprised to learn that more than fifty percent of our clients had at least one dog, and would be very grateful for any assistance in the feeding of their furry friends.
The response has been tremendous!  We serve the foods obtain with the Jazzy Grant money about once a month, and we are usually cleaned out. I and many o. our volunteers are personally grateful for the help in lifting the financial burden of feeding our best friends. Many families in our community are in dire circumstances and really need the help.

Thank you, so much!  - Angelique Bartholomew