The Caplan-Bensley Foundation​

Human - Canine Bond

[1] Allen, K., Shykoff, B. E., & Joseph L. Izzo, J. (2001). Pet ownership, but not ACE inhibitor therapy, blunts home blood pressure responses to mental stress. Hypertension, 38, 815-820.

[2] Friedmann, E., Katcher, A. H., Lynch, J. J., & Thomas, S. A. (1980). Canine companions and one-year survival of patients after discharge from a coronary care unit. Public Health Reports, 95(4), 307-312.

[3] Levine, G.N.; Allen, K.; Braun, L.T.; Christian, H.E.; Friedmann, E.;Taubert, K.A.; Thomas, S.A.; Wells, D.L.; Lange, R.A. Pet ownership and cardiovascular risk: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2013, 127, 2353–2363.

[4] Heady, B.; Grabka, M.; Kelley, J.; Reddy, P.; Tseng, Y.-P. Pet ownership is good for your health and saves public expenditures. Australian; German longitudinal evidence. Aust. Soc. Monit. 2002, 5, 93–99.Type your paragraph here.

The CBF is acutely aware of the important role canines play in a human’s life and health. Research has concluded that tangible, mutual benefits exist when dogs are present in people’s lives. Studies have proven the positive impact of human-canine interactions on individual and community health.

For example, pet ownership lowers blood pressure in response to mental stress[1], pet owners have higher “survival rates” after heart attacks[2], and ownership of pets - particularly dogs - may reduce cardio-vascular risk[3].

Furthermore, one study has shown that pet ownership contributes to a decreased frequency of doctor visits[4], thereby resulting in huge savings on public health expenditures.

Pet dogs are extremely beneficial to their owners and are valuable companions to children, the elderly, veterans, and those living alone, or suffering in any way. For many alone or at-risk individuals, their pet dog is the only reason to go on living.

Keeping dogs out of shelters not only saves the life of the dog, but also brings huge relief to the owners who can keep their beloved companion and continue to receive the great benefits of that bond. These bonds between humans and their lifelong pet dogs are enhanced and strengthened through both Jazzy’s Place and the CRiSP program.

Unfortunately, this close human-canine bond does not carry over to humans living and interacting among themselves. Today, an environment of turmoil, fraud and abuse exists that require many humanitarian relief organizations to substantially increase their due diligence in identifying, selecting and helping those truly in need.

As a result, the CBF finds it necessary to choose the difficult path that requires a significantly greater emphasis on a thorough vetting process in the entire hierarchical chain for both its charitable programs.

​TThe Caplan Bensley Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 2007 with the overall mission of providing individuals and families in need, along with their canine companions a well-nourished, safe, comfortable, and secure life.

To achieve this objective the CBF sponsors two complimentary charitable programs: Jazzy’s Place and Canine Residences in Supporting People (CRiSP).

Jazzy’s Place was established in 2013 to help those facing difficulties, feed their beloved pet dog and keep them at home so that they never have to be abandoned or placed in an animal shelter.   

Grants to help households feed their pet dogs are provided through a network of fully vetted food banks and pantries across the country that are part of the Feeding America program.

The CBF also supports the Colorado Pet Pantry and is seeking to establish similar statewide programs that would greatly expand the dog food distribution network to locations that cannot otherwise provide dog food to those in need.

The Colorado Pet Pantry partners with local food banks and pantries, churches, and other nonprofit groups to provide free dog food to individuals and families facing difficulties. All have been vetted, and have had their clients vetted, providing a very efficient distribution process that also reduces administrative costs and channels benefits to those truly in need.

Today a serious limiting factor exists with food banks having space constraints and needing to prioritize human food. The CBF would like to alleviate this problem by supporting mobile delivery and auxiliary storage programs similar to the outreach that Colorado Pet Pantry is providing.

No family or individual should have to make the choice between feeding themselves or their pet dog. Providing proper nourishment for themselves and their pet dogs is essential for humans bonding with their dogs.

To fulfil this human-pet bond, it is equally important to support those facing other difficulties who are unable to keep their pet dog at home. While Jazzy’s Place delivers nourishment to households in need, CRiSP will provide emotional support and comfort for those who are handicapped, or otherwise incapable of maintaining a safe home for their pet dog.

CRiSP provides a fostering program by assembling a network of thoroughly vetted dedicated volunteer Residence Providers supervised by Regional Directors. 

CRiSP serves a significant dual purpose by accommodating the interests of dog owners, while at the same time providing valuable community services. This initiative provides comfort to patients in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and those in veterans or assisted living facilities.

Jazzy’s Place and CRiSP together, permit dog owners to continue maintaining a close bond at home, rather than their pet dogs being abandoned or placed in an animal shelter. These two programs help preserve the relationship between owners and their beloved pet-dogs during their entire lives together.
The Jazzy’s Place Grants program is fully sponsored by David Reid and Maria Bensley Caplan. The Caplan’s will also support all fundraising expenses as well as providing Millbrook Estate as the operational and fundraising headquarters for CRiSP.

Donors can have complete confidence knowing that 100% of their contributions will be devoted to conducting the charitable benefits of this program and not used for fundraising.

Jazzy’s Place and CRiSP programs concurrently provide owners and their loving pet-dogs with a well-fed, secure and full life at home. Together these programs fulfill the CBF’s strategic mission of “Saving Both Ends of the Leash”.