
Unfortunately, the ravages of age and illness do not always allow us the luxury of enjoying the close-proximity, human-pet relationship. With this in mind, the CBF intends to establish the Canine Residences in Supporting People (CRiSP) program.

Pet-dogs are extremely valuable companions to their owners. CRiSP will serve as a preferable  alternative to maintaining what can become a difficult, or impossible, close-bond between owners and their beloved dog during their lifetime.

Dog-owners who become incapacitated or are incapable of caring for their pet-dog are not able to enjoy this close relationship themselves. The CRiSP program provides the living owners total comfort knowing that their beloved pet and lifelong friend, will be well taken care of for the remainder of its life.

Keeping dogs out of shelters not only saves the life of the dog, but also brings a huge relief to the living owners who can still visit with their beloved canine companion. Their pet-dog will continue to provide companionship and emotional support during the owner’s lifetime. CRiSP is also available to dog-owners preparing for end-of-life who have no suitable alternative home, through friends or family that could comfortably care for their surviving pet-dog.

This benefit will be provided by Residence Supervisor volunteers who will be identified, screened and selected from those who have experience in the care and handling of dogs.

CRiSP will recruit suitable Residence Supervisor’s, as well as identify appropriate living dog-owners who have prepared, or are in the process of preparing their own estate plans. 

Residence Supervisors will provide visitations with their dogs, including dog owners in assisted or independent living facilities that do not permit dogs-in-residence. The frequency and schedule for these visitations will be mutually agreed upon, between the client dog-owner and the Residence Supervisor they choose.

Residence Supervisors must be extremely enthusiastic dog-lovers, and completely devoted to providing a safe, comfortable, loving home, and beautiful life for the owner’s dogs. Residence Supervisors will be totally responsible for maintaining the highest quality standards in dog-care accommodating owner dogs at their homes and treating them as they would their own family dog 

Residence Supervisors will be responsible for feeding, veterinarian, grooming and overall living functions, including any special requests by the owner for their pet-dog. The CBF and/or owner will cover all of the pet-dog’s living and medical expenses during the dog’s entire life.  ​

”Bring me your incapacitated, your lonely, your most vulnerable,
in need of assistance, companionship, dignity, and respect.

The devoted, affectionate, closely-bonded canines who seek to live

peacefully with their loving soulmate in this tumultuous world.

Send them, your handicap, your helpless, your less fortunate to me.

I lift my inviting arms for you to embrace and live comfortably

together within our Golden Sanctuary”

Inspired by the Emma Lazarus sonnet on the Statue of Liberty

Canine Residence in Supporting People (CRiSP)